Gifts of Grace

It is time once again to gift our WCF friends with boxes filled with love! Filled shoebox-size boxes can be dropped off in the Eagle’s Nest November 20 – Dec 14. Labels will be available in the Eagle’s Nest on those dates. Gender specific and gender-neutral boxes are welcome. A list of suggestions is available below and on our website. NO GIFT CARDS in the boxes please. Thank you for your generosity this holiday season.

Box Goals:
160 Adult boxes (mostly men)
10 Middle School boxes
20 Kid boxes

Adults Boxes:
Bible, masks, lotion
Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss
Band-Aids, Neosporin, cortisone cream
Cotton swabs, deodorant, razors, scarf
Nail clippers, baby wipes, socks, flashlight with
batteries, multi-ethnic shampoo, hairbrush
Afro pick, comb, hair oil, shea butter, soap,
Laundry packets, gloves/hat, water bottle,
Mints, hand warmers,
Adult coloring books, colored pencils

Middle School Box Suggestions (ages 11-14):
Cards, hat, gloves, lip balm/gloss, t-shirt
Lotion, jump rope, Bible, pen/markers
Small notebook, toothbrush/paste
Flip flops, socks, deodorant, nail polish
Foam ball, watch, flashlight, books
Earbuds, comic books
Multi-ethnic shampoo, afro pic, hairbrush

Kid Boxes Suggestions:
Small toys, stickers, mask,
Doll, stuffed animal, foam ball
Slime or slime kit, superhero toy
Jump rope, cards, puzzles, gloves, hat
Small notebook, glow sticks
Bible, book, coloring book, crayons
Hair bows, candy
Lotion, toothbrush