Upcoming Events:
Click the titles of each event for more information or to register.
New FAMILY group: If you’re looking for a small group to connect with and discuss the Wait Training series this may be the group for you! Group leaders Andy and Courtney Dunkerton host at 8:30am on Sundays in room 205 (upstairs in the middle of the hallway). Childcare – GraceKids infants – preschool class. No registration…just come!
FAMILY Conversation – January 19: Hey, Grace FAMILY, the elders are excited to invite you to join us after 2nd service for a FAMILY conversation about what God is up to now at Grace, and what He might want to do through our church. This will be a time to celebrate and consider the ways the Spirit is moving among us, to consider how we might activate our Body more fully in discipleship, to dream about how God might be leading us to impact the city and our ministry footprint, and to pray together for our church. If you call Grace your church home, please join us. Pizza and childcare will be provided. Please go ahead and sign up so we will have enough food. If you do not sign up in advance for childcare you will need to keep your child/children with you. Thanks! REGISTER HERE.
WCF Chicken Casserole Night January 22: Let’s make some yummy Chicken Divan Casseroles for our Wednesday night guests. These casseroles can be made up to 3 days ahead of time and placed in the refrigerator in room 105 on the preceding Sunday morning on your way to service. You may also bring them Monday or Tuesday during office hours…or Wednesday at 5:00pm thoroughly cooked and hot. The recipe pdf is in the registration link and printed copies are available in room 105 along with steamer size aluminum pans (20 x 13inches). We will need 12 casseroles every 4th Wednesday of the month and 12 2-liter drinks! Please click HERE to sign up to bring a casserole or drinks for January 22. Thank you for feeding our community!
Marriage Conference – February 14 & 15: Give your marriage a dose of encouragement and avoid the Valentine’s Day crowds by attending our February marriage conference! We will hear practical encouragement from our very own Bill and Joann Goans and April and John Jackson. There will be dinner and dancing on Friday night! Register HERE today!
Women’s Retreat – April 5 & 6: Ladies! Join us for our annual 2025 Women’s Retreat at the conveniently located Caraway Conference Center on April 5th and 6th. Our own Jo Heather Dodson will lead us through our time in the Word on our theme of “Serve One Another.” This year, we are offering 2 options: Come just for the day on Saturday – Registration closes on March 14th – or come for the day and spend the night, double rooms ONLY (2 people per room) – Registration closes on February 4th and space is limited! Click HERE for more information and to register.
WE Shelter – December 8 – March 31: This winter, the Eagle’s Nest is home to 12 men. We need your help to provide meals and snacks, and to greet residents in the evenings. We also need men to stay overnight. Please click the links below to read volunteer descriptions and to volunteer. You do not have to attend Grace to volunteer. Please urge your friends at other churches to help out! If you have specific questions, you may email shelter@gracegso.org.
Volunteer needs
There are many ways to serve our church body! Here are a few immediate needs for 2025:
- First Touch ushers 8:30am service
- GraceKids Flex Subs
- Small group leader for High School girls
- FAMILY group leaders
- FAMILY groups coach
Click HERE to get started! Let us know on the form which role you are interested in.
SUNDAY: Join us for worship in person or online every Sunday….
- In person services 8:30am & 10am
- Online services – Regular Sunday Services are livestreamed at 10am on our YouTube Channel..OR our Facebook Live Feed. Catch up on any you missed by clicking these links.
- GraceKids – 8:30am 6 months old – Preschoolers, 10am 2 months old – 5th grade
- GraceYouth – 4pm 6th – 12th grade
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday Community Fellowship dinner is provided every Wednesday at 5:45pm in our sanctuary. All who need a hot meal are welcome! Children are served with their parents/guardians at the family table.
Grace Groups – Get involved in a community here at Grace…we were never meant to do life alone! Join one of our FAMILY groups… CLICK HERE for more info & to sign up.
Prayer Requests – We want to pray for you! Prayer requests can be submitted HERE.
Giving – Giving is an act of worship to God. We want our church to maintain a strong financial position in order to minister and impact our community now and in the months to come. Please consider giving online HERE.

Music to Go
Enjoy hearing music from recent services all throughout your week! Spotify * YouTube * Apple Music
Sign up for Realm: Download our church app for emails, updates, and an easy link for giving Like & Follow us on Facebook * Subscribe to our YouTube Channel * Follow us on Instagram * Click Grace Connect