Good Morning Grace Family,
Once again we want to thank those of you who took the time to fill out our recent survey. We had the largest church participation of any survey at Grace…even more than the first survey! This was just one of the resources used as the elders and staff discussed and prayed over our next steps at Grace. As you will see in the results, the majority of you continue to proceed with caution. Again, we are thankful for your openness and willingness to share.
At this time, the elder board has decided that the church campus will remain closed for church services, meetings, and groups. The majority of our staff will continue to work offsite. The elders and staff will meet again in August to determine next steps for Grace during this challenging season, taking into consideration the Governor’s orders and CDC guidelines.
Even though our campus remains closed…the church is NOT closed!!! YOU are the church!! The WCF dinner continues to be served weekly by our volunteer team as a “to go” meal option for our community. Additionally, we have been able to assist those in need, both in and outside of the church. We have several amazing Backyard Communities meeting on Sunday mornings. Our online Gather Groups and Missional Communities continue to meet all over Greensboro. We are so thankful for each of you and cannot wait to see you all in person once it is safe to do so.
Thank you again for your prayers and support as we navigate through these unprecedented times.
In Him,
Eric Anderson