Posts by John Jackson (Page 27)

Weekly Grace News: July 21, 2020

BACKYARD COMMUNITY CHURCH: It’s not to late to join…if you haven’t already…sign up for next week! This is the next phase in “re-opening” our services at Grace. We will gather as a church family in small group backyard settings around our community to watch the sermon together online. CLICK HERE for a simple FAQ guide,…

Weekly Grace News: June 14, 2020

BACKYARD COMMUNITY LAUNCH: TODAY! It’s not to late to join…if you haven’t already…sign up for next week! This is the next phase in “re-opening” our services at Grace. We will gather as a church family in small group backyard settings around our community to watch the sermon together online. CLICK HERE for a simple FAQ…

Weekly Grace News: June 7, 2020

BACKYARD COMMUNITY LAUNCH: NEXT Sunday! Join us as we launch Backyard Communities. This is the next phase in “re-opening” our in person services at Grace. We will gather as a church family in small group backyard settings around our community to watch the sermon together online. CLICK HERE for a simple FAQ guide and to…

BackYard community FAQ

Why Backyard Communities? As a church on mission for the city we are excited to come together again for worship! And of course, we want to invite neighbors and friends along. Backyard Communities allow us to share the good news of Jesus Christ in our own neighborhoods. What are Backyard Communities? Backyard Communities are a…

Weekly Grace news: May 31, 2020

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Thinking Biblically about reopening: In case you missed this important update from Pastor Marshall this week. CLICK HERE to continue reading… May 31st – Parent Coffee Talk (Online): Let’s talk about Covid 19 and our kids….how to survive & thrive this summer!! Join us TONIGHT at 8pm on Zoom. RSVP on Realm for…