upcoming January EVENTS
January 5th – Discover Grace Class: Got Questions!! Who are we as a church? What do we believe? What are the ways to connect and serve and grow as a disciple at Grace? Join us for the Discover Grace Class!
January 12th – Congregational Vote: Join us as we vote for Marshall Benbow as our teaching pastoral candidate.
January 22nd – WCF Pasta Night: Bring a pan of baked Ziti to share with our Wednesday Community Fellowship!!
January 12th – The Art of Marriage Class: Who doesn’t want to work on their marriage in the new year?! Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:25am
January 15&16: Women’s Spring Bible Study: Thursday morning or Wednesday evenings: Join us as we journey through the CBR Journal together. Childcare provided at both times.
MOPS Spring Registration: Mother’s of Preschoolers, don’t walk through this season alone! Join us on Wednesday mornings for breakfast & a close knit community with other women.
January 19th – New Life Class: If your child is interested in baptism, or is asking questions about making a decision of faith…this class is a great next step!!
College & Young Adults
January 22nd – Bowling @ Triad Lanes: Welcome back from Winter Break ya’ll!! Dust off those bowling shoes and join us!