What is Faith Promise?
At Grace, we support many local and international missionaries and missions organizations. Each year our support comes through “Faith Promise”. We set aside the month of March to focus on our calling to further God’s kingdom in the USA and around the world. Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 says that we are to “go and make disciples of all nations”.
During the month of March, you will be given the opportunity to make a pledge to our Faith Promise fund, over and above your regular tithe. By doing so, you are making a commitment in faith to give a specific amount over the next year as God provides, from sources seen and unseen. Some of you may already have the funds to make a pledge to our Faith Promise funds; others may not see where those funds will come from but feel called to pledge in faith, believing that God will provide the funds from an unknown source. The sum of your pledges give us a basis for setting our missions budget and allows us to support our Faith Promise Partners. Through your gifts to Faith Promise, you also become part of the Great Commission, sending and empowering those who are called “to go into all the world”.

Get Involved…
- Faith Promise Month (March)
- Yearly Mission’s Fair
- Missions Luncheons – throughout the year as missionaries visit