Mobilize is a place where we recap the big idea of the sermon and give some next steps, as you grow in letting God’s word transform your life.
This week we wrapped up our Naturally Supernatural Refresher series and Marshall helped us consider the important idea that TENSION IS GOOD!
Here are some highlights from the sermon:
Three tensions we face as we engage a life with the Spirit and the supernatural gifts:
1. WAITING ON HIM TO WORK- We looked at the reality that Jesus breathes on the disciples in John 20 giving them the Holy Spirit and again in Acts 1 before he ascends into Heaven, but then they have to wait a total of 50 days before experiencing the power of that gift in Acts 2. Many of us want to experience the power of the Spirit in and through us but feel like we are still waiting for him. That can be hard as we try to stay expectant that he wants to do big things in us and through us.
2. HOW HE CHOOSES TO WORK- Mark 6 tells us that the followers of Jesus are sent out 2×2 to proclaim the Kingdom and cast out demons. Jesus imparts his authority and they do it! It seems to be a successful endeavor for them. Then in Mark 9, they encounter a demon possessed boy while Jesus is up on the Mountain and they can’t cast it out. They encounter the reality that the Spirit works differently in different situations and that they still have things to learn about depending on his power and not their ability or experience. There can be a tension for us as well. When the Spirit chooses to work in ways we aren’t expecting or in ways different from our past experience with him. This can make us feel hesitant and we have to learn how put our dependence in God work, not in ourselves.
3. IN WHEN HEALING HAPPENS- Paul tells us about a place in his life the Spirit doesn’t heal, even after focused prayer in 2 Corinthians 12. If anyone should have been able to access healing prayer would it not have been Paul? But Paul sees the situation from a centered perspective and while he would love healing, he sees how God giving him all he needs through grace. When we consider the supernatural gifts, healing is the one that can really challenge our faith and leave us feeling confused, disappointed and hurt when God doesn’t seem to answer our prayers for healing. And yet, Jesus tells his followers to “go and heal the sick.” Learning how to living in the tension that God wants to see people healed, but not every healing prayer leads to healing is important as we grow in being naturally supernatural people.
Action steps for our week together:
- We are called to be discipled by the Spirit and Word. Spend time in our passage this week-John 20:19-23; Acts 2:1-4; Mark 6:7-13; Mark 9:17-29; 2 Cor 12:6-10. What is the Spirit saying to you through the text?
- Consider these things with your community this week.
- Which of these tensions do you find yourself living in right now? What might the Spirit be inviting you do to live faithfully into that tension?
- What is one way you could make space to experience the supernatural gifts of the Spirit this week?