Weekly Grace News: September 25, 2023

Order your copies of Sticks & Stones (2 separate study books) so you can follow along with our sermon series through December.

Order Sticks here

Order Stones here

Music to Go

Enjoy hearing music from recent services all throughout your week!



Apple Music

Events and Reminders:

Calvary Christian Center Convocation – Sept 27: Our Grace family has been invited to join Calvary Christian Center’s convocation! Dinner will be served at 6pm (for those who pre-registered), and then Marshall Benbow will be the guest speaker from 7-9pm. 

Sunday Prayer Walk – Oct 1: We are excited to celebrate what God is doing in our neighborhood with a time of prayer around the “footprint” and a delicious hot dog lunch! 

Find Your Group, Dessert Party – Oct 1: Come as you are for a fun evening to check out available FAMILY groups and find the best fit for YOU!

Youth Small Group Game Night – Oct. 1: Grace Youth, let’s get together for games and fun! More info coming soon!

Covenant Class – Oct 8: Ready to learn more about Grace and possibly taking your next steps toward membership? Covenant Class is for you!

Men’s Weekend – Oct 13-15: Men of Grace, let’s get back to Roaring Gap and Camp Cheerio for a time of fellowship, worship, and quality men’s time. Sign up here!

Multiethnic Conversations, Fall Groups – Oct 22 – Nov 20: We, at Grace, believe that God has called us to move strongly towards our value of authentic diversity, undergirded by the foundation of the gospel. We are offering 5-week sessions through the book Multiethnic Conversations by Mark DeYmaz and Oneya Fennell Okuwobi. Registration is now live on Realm; follow the links provided here!

Child Dedication – Oct 22: Register here!

Grace Youth All-In Weekend – Oct 27 – 29: It’s time for a break at Camp Weaver! Register now on Realm.

Stand in the Gap Month – November: As a church we have set aside the month of November to consider how God is asking us to be a people who practically care for vulnerable children both before and after their birth. We will have a prayer space open during most of the month with different prayer prompts to pray for kids at Grace and in our city. More details coming soon!

Sliders and S’mores – Nov 3: Sliders and S’mores on a cool November night! What could be better? Bring your significant other for fun games with other married and engaged couples. Enjoy yummy sliders, hot beverages, and fire pit fun.

Daylight Savings Time – Nov 5: Don’t forget to turn your clocks BACK 1 hour!

Grace Youth Fundraiser – Nov 5, 12, 19: Save the dates! Support our Grace Youth. More details coming soon!

New Life Class – Nov 11, 12: A class for 2nd – 5th grade students to learn more about the best life – a life with God.  Register now on Realm!


ASL (American Sign Language) Interpreter: Grace needs someone to help out with ASL interpretation on Sunday mornings (10am services). Email office@gracegso.org if you or someone you know is willing to serve!

GraceKids Teachers: We need volunteers to pour the love of God into our kids! If you’re interested in teaching, please contact Lee at lsimmons@gracegso.org.

WCF Assistance: We need some extra hands for Wednesday Community Fellowship. Please reach out to Jennifer at jholloway@gracegso.org.

Buddies Needed: We need 2-3 people to join our buddy team! Buddies are men and women who offer one-on-one care for kids in our family who need some specialized attention on Sunday morning. This position serves 2 times a month during one service. If you are interested but don’t have any experience, we can train you! Please Email Tracy Anderson (tanderson@gracegso.org) to learn more.  


SUNDAY: Join us for worship in person or online every Sunday….

  • In person services 8:30am & 10am
  • Online services – Regular Sunday Services are livestreamed at 10am on our You Tube Channel ..OR our Facebook Live Feed. Catch up on any you missed by clicking these links.

WEDNESDAY: Wednesday Community Fellowship dinner is provided every Wednesday at 6pm in our sanctuary. All who need a hot meal are welcome! Children may be served with their parents.


Grace Groups – Get involved in a community here at Grace…we were never meant to do life alone! Join one of our small groups… CLICK HERE for more info & to sign up.

Prayer Requests – We want to pray for you! Prayer requests can be submitted online HERE.

Giving – Giving is an act of worship to God. We want our church to maintain a strong financial position in order to minister well now and in the months to come. Please consider giving online HERE. Below is a snapshot of this past week’s numbers:


Sign up for Realm: Download our church app for emails, updates, and an easy link for giving

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