Past Events (Page 5)

Men’s Weekend

Men of Grace, SAVE THE DATE! Let’s get back to Roaring Gap and Camp Cheerio! October 13-15, we will take the weekend to get together as a men’s community and have fun, eat great food, and grow in Christ. Save the date and invite some friends! Register on Realm!

Youth Small Group Game Night

Come and hang out with your small group, playing games, laughing, eating snacks and lots of FUN! We will be in the small group rooms (Rooms 201-206). RSVP on Realm (no registration required).

Sunday Prayer Walk & Lunch

Family and friends! Join us for Prayer Walks, Hot Dogs and Fellowship! On Sunday, October 1, we will gather for one service with Gate City Church of Christ at 10:00am on the front lawn for worship. We will then head out in groups for walks through the areas surrounding Grace. Each group will have prayer…

Calvary Christian Center Convocation

Grace Community Church has graciously been invited to join Calvary Christian Center’s convocation! Dinner will be served at 6pm, and then Marshall Benbow will be the guest speaker from 7-9pm. Please register on Realm so we may give them an accurate head count for food!

Men’s Pigskin Preview

Men of Grace, stick around after second service and join us for football, food, and fellowship as we watch some NFL games and hear more about out upcoming Men’s Weekend in October. We will have games on in the Eagle’s Nest and maybe even get our own game of football going on the back lawn.…

Youth Fall Kickoff

Grace Youth is kicking off on Sunday, September 10th for students in grades 6-12. There will be games, prizes, snacks, student-led worship, teaching and small group time. Start the year off right by making some new friends!

Women’s Fall Kickoff

Ladies of Grace, we are so excited to get together again! Bring a chair and join us on the front lawn for a time of games, fellowship, and a message.

Promotion Sunday – Grace Kids

Our kids are growing, growing, GROWING! It’s time to promote them to their upcoming grades. Children who are 3 years of age and older may be moving up to a new class for the 2023-2024 Sunday School year (depending on their age and grade level). When you check your child in at the kiosk, please…

One Service, One Family

Grace family and friends, this summer we will come together as family each Sunday! We will worship together in a single service at 10:00am and then head to the back lawn for fellowship and special treats! Feel free to bring a blanket and enjoy popsicles, ice cream and more each Sunday right after service. There…

Baptism – Church at the Lake

Baptism is an important step in our faith journey. Why do we practice Baptism here at Grace? Here is what our constitution says concerning Baptism: We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ instituted two ordinances to be observed by all believers until His return, baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Communion). Their observance by all believers…